Whether you’re looking to secure intro music for your podcast, teleconference, video project or audiobook, or you’re looking to create a high quality production of your own, enlisting the aid of royalty-free music, loops and samples will get you where you need to go in the shortest amount of time possible.
7 Undeniably Awesome Music Blogs
If you’re looking for fresh new music, music news and poignant information surrounding today’s music, as curated by some of the finest youthful connoisseurs the world has to offer, you can forget about tuning in to Pandora, Rolling Stone or MTV right this very second. In today’s post I will share with you not just one, […]
[Video] The Green Media Way: Grow Visibility & Leads Using Audio + Video
In today’s post, I am happy to share with you a brand spankin’ new version of The Green Media Way: Grow Visibility & Leads Using Audio + Video, a talk I was lucky enough to share with attendees at the 2012 SF + LA Green Festivals this past November while exhibiting as a Media Partner for the events with AudioAcrobat. Thank you to so many of you for coming out and hearing/seeing it given live, and to those of you who’ve been waiting for a replay, it’s finally here!