If you are a return reader at this here AudioAcrobat-flavored Weblog it is more than likely that you’ve noticed some major design changes to our site in the last couple of days, and more importantly an improved iPad-friendly mobile design and interface.
‘Top 10’ Posts of 2010
In today’s posting, we will take our readers through the ‘Top 10’ posts of 2010, what these posts covered and why we think the ones at the top were chosen by our readers. Little did they know it at the time, but they were casting their ‘vote’ simply by reading. Thank you!
Audio Uploading and Encoding Made Simple
In today’s posting we aim to answer the question asked by most AudioAcrobat subscribers upon their first audio file upload, “Which audio encoding option should I choose when uploading an audio to AudioAcrobat?”, with an in-depth walk through and useful tips and tricks along the way.